Music Video From the start of the academic year, I’ve had a broad idea of what I would like to do for my final major project. 2020 has been a long year of reflection which
The past month has been all about catch-up work and universities. With interviews coming up, I’ve been struggling to produce a portfolio that is right for what I’m going into and shows off what I
This morning, going through the rules and conventions of news packages has helped me to get a more in-depth understanding of what elements go into a single section of a live show. News Packages I’ve
I’ve made sure to write down our ideas on the content and organisation of the news show from the start so we have a good understanding of our thought process as well as progression. These
Usually when I want to put a video of mine onto my website, I import the video straight from my computer files and into the site. However, as I was trying to do this with
During an online lesson with Attila, we listened to a drama radio broadcast from 1938 – a take on H. G. Welles’ 1898 novel War of the Worlds. Orson Welles narrated a ‘fake news’ segment at 8-9
After the initial project brief, we sat down with our tutor, Nick, who asked us about specific areas of the production, and encouraged us all to think more in depth about defining job roles, planning
When writing a script there are a few assets that need to be remembered; slug lines or scene headings, action lines, dialogue and shots. A slug line is put at the start of each scene
For the past few weeks, I’ve been refreshing basic editing skills on photoshop mainly to do with adjusting the colour and overall look of a photograph. Exposure: Although not much has changed, this image does
Throughout the term, I’ve been learning a lot more film theory as well as going out and physically practising film. Both aspects I find very useful although the theory side usually becomes either difficult to