This unit requires students, through a process of research, dialogue, reflection and evaluation, to identify and prepare for specific Higher Education or employment progression routes appropriate to their ambitions. The unit will give students the opportunity to explore aspects of entrepreneurship and marketing and enable them to demonstrate the practical, intellectual and communication skills necessary for progression.
Starting off Unit 11, we were prompted to draft an audit listing things about how exactly we have (or plan to) put ourselves out there to begin to get recognised. Here’s what I came up with:
– Created an Instagram page for sharing projects and behind-the-scenes.
– My social media presence is limited but shows a basic representation of my personality/perspective which is having a light-hearted but passionate approach.
– Designed a simple/unique logo for recognition.
– Must post more material on the social media I do have & link the other places to see my work (i.e. this website).
– Identify something unique about my ‘brand’.
– To enhance my brand I have to create more content more consistently (including upload times & type of content) about what I love doing.
– Define my goals in greater detail to give something to clearly work towards.