For the past two weeks, we have been dabbling in the research part of Unit 12 in preparation for a short documentary. After starting this project in a group, on the history of the animation company, Studio Ghibli, I have decided to conduct a second version individually, looking into the concept of the ‘Psychological Thriller’.
I think this will become very useful for my FMP, which I have decided on producing a short film of the same genre. This research project will not only give me great insight as to the context of psycho-thrillers, but also kick start thorough work on my final project. Already, by doing this I have noted aspects of these films I read about and incorporated them into my idea.
As for the documentary, I have a few ideas on how I’m going to film it.
For my own project, I will take inspiration from a video about Spike Lee’s camera shot techniques by Mo at Resource Productions (available on their Instagram). Specifically, I’m interested in shooting a piece-to-camera throughout the video, whilst incorporating examples of my own interpretation of psycho-thriller techniques. Moving onto my role in the Studio Ghibli group project, I have carried out some research and will be in charge of collecting relevant (public domain) clips to use in the documentary, while a voice-over runs.
Areas of development include; carrying on with detailed research of both Unit 12 projects, fleshing out my FMP plot as well as beginning to identify the clips to be used in the documentaries.